
Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hello guys .. long time no see, i'm kind a little bit busy last week. My aunt and some of my mother's friend visited us to spend holiday for a week .. and it was exhausted me a bit. 

Anyway .. today i want to review a local bb cream (it's the first bb cream from indonesian makeup brand i think, correct me if i'm wrong)

This product isn't sell in single pieces yet, we must buy the series package that contain of two way cake, lipstick and bb cream. there are three series (everlast, luminizing, and fair white). For the price ? it's kind a cheap... the fair white series is $ 5.5, the everlast series is $ 6.5, and the luminizing series is $ 7.5.

here is the package

my own bb cream (everlast series)

the swatch

blend blend blend

these bb cream contain of scrubs / granules, but when you apply and blend it well on your face it'll disappear (but there is a time you feel like you scrub your face). every series contain granules ? i dont know, and i hope not .. because i'm quite curious with the luminizing bb cream and it's two way cake .. :p

what i love :
- cheap
- blend so well
- perfect match with my skintone
- oil control quite good

what i hate :
- it's break me out, i had some big pimples after using it for about a week and after i stopped using it my pimples slowly disappear. i guess it cause of the granules .. i'm breakout after using facial scrub too, yeaaaah my skin very sensitive with scrubs/granules i think it make clog pores and also make some pimples appear ..

disclaimer : you have to wash your face very well after you use this product so that you'll not be breakout

keep beauty guys, chuuu~


  1. singgah malam folo ur blog.

  2. aku baru tau caring ada bb cream >__<

  3. sekamar rindu : thank you so much :))

    cominica-ai : iyaaaa .. ada sis tapi mngkin buat sis kegelapan soalnya sista kn putih banget ..

  4. wah vicky thanks banget reviewnya.. untungbelum beli.. tadinya si pengen coba yang caring tapi gak jadi deh.. TAT

  5. @sheffyne yuka : aku soalnya g bisa pake scrub2 gitu sih makanya pake ini break out .. katanya klo seri yang lain g ada btiran scrubnya kok ...
