
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Snake ? Again ? ..

Haahahaaha .. it has already second times that i found a snake in my house (my mom prefer find a snack :DD), lucky me i'm not kind a person who afraid of snake .. first time we found it in the bathroom and it was 1 meter long and this morning we found it in the kitchen and it only a baby (about 30 cm or more) i called baby because it's so tiny.. and both are not poisonous.. fyuuuh *sigh*

aaah .. i didn't take a picture of the first snake -____- , my neighbor rushed throw it away ..

and this is the second snake that we found :

i really love the color, it's kind a exotic right ? the yellow stripe makes it so pretty

so tiny right ? .. aigoo~

i want to keep this baby but i don't know what kind of snake is it and what kind of food should i give to it, frog ? insect ? ahh .. i have no idea :(( please help me !!!


  1. Temenku pernah piara uler juga kasi makannya tikus putih.. tapi ini masi kecil ya >.<

  2. @Chino-chan ♥ iyaa ini kyaknya tikus putih pun masih kegedean ... apa mkan serangga yaa ?? ..


    ngeriii aaah vheqvu!!

    mm..karena ular cuma maem pas laper..
    kodok dan cicak pilihan yg cukup masuk akal..hehehe

  4. @SeVeRuSLoVezcuma: sehari doang kok habisnya aku tanya fan page pecinta reptil ktanya makanannya tikus ama katak .. klo ngasih makan tikus g tega gra2 prnah piara hamster *pdhal y beda* klo katak q kan jijik ... hahahaha makanya aku lepas :D

  5. omg hats creepy if i found it i would jump aroud and start yelling becuz there pretty dangerous

  6. if i found that in my house i would die. LOL

  7. @MakeupxSparkles :hahaha .. no no they are not dangerous :D at least they don't have fangs ..

    @claire : i prefer found this than a cockroach ..wkwkwk

  8. woah...seriously??snakeeee?????*kaburrr..**

    p.s:kata nyokapnya temen,kalo ada ular di rumah katanya yg punya rumah mo pindah..Gitu deehh.Entah bener ato ngga..

  9. @Lovely CosMe : heh ? masa iyaaa ... uda 2 kali nih ada ular di rumah ... wkwkwk curiga nih ada sarang ular dket2 rumah ...

  10. di rumah ku juga udah pernah ada ular sampe 5 kali hueheheee... ularnya sama kaya gituuu ada yg kecil dan ada yg gede dan panjang.... O.o
    km ga takut yah?..aku takut jijik jugaaa...aaaaaaa merinding kalo inget itu...
