
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fanbo lipstick review + swatches

Hello guys meet me again !! hahahaha .. you've know that i'm a lipstick sucker and i can't handle my self to buy it more and more :D, my mom always yelling at me to not buy any lipstick anymore but can i  ? :p ..

today i wanna do a quick review of fanbo lipsticks that i own, you know fanbo is one of oldest cosmetics brand in Indonesia and they're classified into low end brand which cheap but great makeup :D

here they are :

number 15--number 20--number 13


number 15--number 20--number 13
aren't they gorgeous ? :))

number 15 :
gorgeous purple/plum color

number 20 :
pure brown choco color

number 13 :
nude milky pink color

what i love :
  • Damn cheap, it's about $1
  • easy to slide on
  • can find it easily
  • nice shades

what i hate :
  • i hate the packaging
  • i don't like the smell

that's all my review, till next time byeee~ !!


  1. so pretty color! >_<
    so envious for ur great lips.
    too bad any lipstick look so bad in my chapped lips..

  2. @Feb Store : Hi! please check your email :D

    @dilla : my lips isn't great at all sometimes it's chapped too~, btw thanks for visit my blog .. :))

  3. Kayanya warnanya sama ama lipstick2 kamu sebelumnya ya?Kamu mang seneng warna2 ini^^..

  4. @Lovely CosMe : iyaaaa ... range warnaku baru sekitaran ini2 ajaaa, belum brani yang ekstrem2 hahahahahaa... :D

  5. brpaan sih vic? 10rb??
    di gardena gtu ada kan ya?
    nda pernah nyolek fanbo sih..hahaha

  6. @SeVeRuSLoVez : brapa belas gitu tak buletin ajaa .. dimana2 ada kok sering liat di mirota, mutiara dll .. :D

  7. @vicky wah warnanya lumayan bagus yah. ^^ awet nggak di bibir?

  8. @My Lovely SIster : worth it lah sama harganya .. dan teksturnya lebih ok dari pada lippen wardah yang matte tapi baunya aja yg agak mengganggu :))

  9. yang no 20 cakep..aku punya juga yang warna merah hehehe,lumayan buat harga segitu,teksturnya creamy dan yang penting ga bikin bibir kering kayak si pixy,cuma itu baunya ga nahan xoxoxo

  10. @MUTIARA TANJUNG : iyaaa say cakep .. bener bgt baunya rada nyengat bikin rada males makenya .. tapi range warna si fanbo lumayan cakep2

  11. ini bikin bibir kering ndak sai..? yg nomer 20 cantiiik, aikh jd kepengen beli juga, murce bangt pula xoxo.. :D

  12. Ahh...keracunaannn...
    Itu yang bebi pink cakep bener! murah lagi..
    Tapi emang bibir kamu sexy ye, mpok ^^'
    Kalau bibirku bentuknya gag karuan, warnanya item, kering :(
    Kayaknya kalau aku yang pakai nggak akan sebagus itu

  13. celle : hallooo celle ^.^v !! ketemu juga disini hehehe ... wkakakakak sexy paannya mpok ? ni mah ndoweeer LOL :D minum yg banyak air putih cell biar g kering ..

  14. I have never heard about this and thanks for letting me know. Keep sharing!

  15. hai, abis sibuk nyari review lipstick2 murce n bagus akhirnya mendarat di blog sini..thanks ya reviewnya.

  16. @Best Lipstick : this is only sell in Indonesia

    @ryana : sama2, thanks dah mampir ...

  17. Ah, siaal... keracunan lipstik lagi vickkky... >_<
    jadi kepengen fanbo #20 #13
    Di bibirmu bagusss bgt! ><

    1. HOREEE !! ada yg keracunaaan :D wkwkwkw *ketawa setan*, ayo zha dibeli dibeli .. :D

  18. yang no.13 warnanya mirip gak sih ama wardah yg nuddish peach???
    bingung mw beli yg mana...:)

    1. beda say .. nuddish peach itu peach warnanya trus kalo yang 13 pink, dua2nya nude.. tapi nuddish peach cenderung lebih pucat

    2. Oh,,,gitu.Abisnya di foto yg Wardah nuddish peach k'liatan baby pink gitu..Kmrn abis beli Wardah yg Bronze Nude,warnanya beda kan ama fanbo 13??
      Maap y tanya2 mulu,abisnya baru skrng2 ni seneng dandan(keracunan beauty blogger)hehehe...

    3. beda jauh kok sis bronze nude kan g ada unsur pinknyaa.. beli aja si fanbo 13, gak rugi :D hehehe g papa say lagian emg fungsi blogku buat ngasih refrensi, selamat keracunan ...

  19. help! i have been looking for a site/seller of Fanbo cosmetics specifically the face powders (compact pressed). can you post the link on where to buy them? i contacted the website in Indonesia and they have not responded; can't find any seller online either. used fanbo face powder when I was still in the Philippines (25 years ago). I am now here in the USA

    1. Sorry for very late reply, i think almost none online shop sell this brand .. because this brand is low end brand that indonesian people can find it anywhere .. but i know that jopankar kosmetik in facebook that sell all indonesian cosmetic brand but i don't know if they can ship overseas

  20. kalo dipake, lipstik fanbo sama sariayu terasa lebih "ringan" yg mana?
