
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pixy UV Whitening Gentle Cleansing Express Alcohol Free

Hi all it's time for product's REVIEW !!

it called Pixy UV Whitening Gentle Cleansing Express Alcohol Free

I bought this removal because it's alcohol free, and my eyes and my skin is kind sensitive with a harsh alcohol whatsoever and i can't stand about the burn feeling on my face so that before i found this product i never use any makeup removal .. i only use facial foam to remove my make up.

here's the product :

Testing how it works :

left to right

maybelline impact express eyeliner-pixy mascara-pixy liquid eyeliner-caring colours bb cream-fanbo eyeshadow-wardah mate lipstick in peach-pixy blush on in salmon orange

1st swap result :

sorry i didn't take picture for final result

what i love :
  • only $1
  • it's not sting my eyes
  • can remove my waterproof eyeliner and mascara
what i hate :
  • unclean feeling after use it because it makes my face feels oily

thanks for reading, and till next time byee~


  1. akhirny ada yg ngereview cleansing express :D
    kemaren aq pengen coba yg buat acne (ijo)..
    tp aq g yakin bersihny, kebiasaan pake m/c n tooner :D

  2. vicky...aku lumayan suka soalnya ga perih di kulitku atau di mataku ...murmer juga hehe...

  3. @Monica Agustami Kristy : mnurutku bersih sih lumayan yang pnting lagi g bikin perih mata :D

    @♥●• İzdihër •●♥ : but it's only available in indonesia

    @vee : halooo vee~ sama aku juga agak sensi klo sama alkohol ... pake viva milk cleanser yg kata bnyak org g perih aja di kulitku panas bgt

    1. Lumayan d buat dicoba buat bersihin muka sebelum tidur, kdang males soalnya keburu ngantuk, haha

      Kmu anak Jogja jg?
      kul dmn ni? :D

  4. @Monica Agustami Kristy : hahaha .. aku soalnya selalu pake eyeliner klo pake facial foam kurang bersih. aku kuliah di uii sis :D ..

    1. haha,aq c klo malem cm bedakan doang paling :p

      lam kenal :D
