
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rivera Face Shimmering Powder

Hi girls !! today i'll do a quick review about one of haul that i told in previous post before, it called Rivera Face Shimmering Powder. Rivera is one of Indonesian brand (one company with Fanbo) but some Indonesian still didn't know either about this brand except for all of those make up junkies :p, perhaps it because of lack of promotion but any way let me just review it ..

This is the product :

Basically this stuff is use for finishing after make up but you can also use it as a highlighter 

the packaging (carton) is quite nice

sealed with a plastic which is good aspect too~

quite small huh ? but i like it because it handy and doesn't make my make up case full :D

from bottom:

1. Satin beige
2. Excotic pink
3. Crystal
4. Natural gold

it come with brush and it quite soft too~

some holes under the brush

my stupid mistake when i wanted to try out this product i didn't open sticker under the brush so that the powder couldn't come out, i was grumbling, " WTH what the brush use for ? really useless !! can't come one pieces at all " :D so guys .. don't forget to remove the sticker if you buy this stuff ok ?

#Satin beige

#Exotic pink


#Natural gold

Swatches :

Right ------Left
satin beige--excotic pink--crystal--natural gold

the result if you use the brush, can you see the shimmer ?

what i love :
  • Only $2,3 
  • love love love the shimmer
  • can find it easily
  • it come with refill too~
  • 4 shades in 1 product

what i hate :
  • too simple packaging
  • the cap is annoying, it always off 

i hope it useful, see next time byeeeee~ !!


  1. aku jg punyaa vic~~
    sukaa bgt shimmer nya haluuus~
    cocok buat glowing effect~
    tapi brush nya kasar ya...huhu

  2. wakakakaka ..can we expect more ? yaaa lumayanlah yaaa yang pnting bahannya bukan sapu ijuk aja brushnya :D LMAO

  3. very cool

  4. ini apaan sih vic?
    bedak ya?

  5. @* monic * : shimmering powder mon .. kan ada bacaannya diatas :D

  6. kayaknya nih cocok buat dandan pas nari di kondangan..murce yak..thanks dah review produk ni vicky :)

  7. @MUTIARA TANJUNG : iyaaa ini mursidah bgt :p ... your welcome, makasih dah mapir juga :D

  8. kalau bedaknya padat saya akan lebih sukka lagi nih hehe..
    hanya saya ini tabur ya say., saya juga mulai suka pake produknya rivera, not bad, selain produk lokal juga sudah halal :)
    salam kenal
