
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Maybelline Impact Express Smooth Felt Liner

Hello-hello~ how are you guys ? me quite dizzy .. i don't know why i always got headache now days :(( 

By the way it such a long time ago i won a giveaway from but i always forget to post it on my blog T.T

and the things that i got are 

thank you so much Stephanie i really appreciate it :D


This product called Maybelline Impact Express Smooth Felt Liner, actually this is my mom's eyeliner but she doesn't like it so that she gave it to me :D

This packaging really look like a pen or marker, maybe my brother will use it for writing if he doesn't find any pen to write LMAO :D

Slim and small so that it so easy to carry in my case

The applicator is like a marker


with flash

See ! it really easy to apply, you can make a thin or thick line with it

(Please ignore my dry skin, after i had vacation to Madiun my skin is SO dry i don't why)

without flash

It's not really opaque black which i DONT really like it

Because it's not opaque so that i must reapply for many times and still it's NOT covering the line, can you see the spare part on it ?

what i love :
  • Small and slim packaging
  • Easy to apply
  • Quite cheap $6-$7
  • Pointed applicator
what i hate :
  • Not opaque black
  • Hard to cover the line

Thanks for reading, bye-bye~


  1. Looks nice.Too bad about the pigmentation.

  2. smudge ga dear klo kekucek?
    aku pake yg kayak spidol gitu rada susah... malah gampangan gel yg pake kuas..

  3. @Pandora`s Box : exactly !! :D

    @Ms. Ami (Mizha Salim) : dy g smudge kok say cuma ya itu kurang opaque/kereng untuk seleraku trus sama susah nutup garis .. jadi bolong2 gtu, hehehe .. mungkin kebiasaan aja yaa klo sring pake mungkin gmpang ..klo gel liner belum pernah pake ..

  4. kakak aku juga beli eyeliner liquid nya maybelline tapi yang pake kuas gitu bukan yang bentuknya pen. dan sama itu susah banget buat bikin garis.
    bukan karna kuasnya tapi tintanya itu gak solid jadi suka bolong-bolong gitu garisnya. kaya warnain pake cat air yang warna cat & air nya kadang gak nyampur dengan sempurna. padahal lumayan mahal ya mending si pixy deh.. :/
    btw nice review vic :D

  5. @dilla : iyaaa bener ! g bisa nutup .. trus jadi bolong2, kalo lagi g ada kerjaan aja ini kepake soalnya harus lebih 5 kali ulas baru bener2 ketutup .. si liquid pixy HGku udah repurchase btw tapi belum kureview ..

  6. jadi inget ma yang Mirabella,ga bisa nutup dengan baik,sama kayak spidol kurang tinta hehehehe :)

    1. iyaaa aku juga pernah nyoba tuh si mirabella punya tmn sih .. itu kyaknya lebih parah dari ini

  7. waterproof? smudgeproof?
    kok ngga pernah tau ada eyeliner maybelline model gini ^^ hehehe

    1. waterproof smugdeproof kok walaupun g ada tlisannya .. emg g pernah liat juga dulu cuma ikut2an spupu beli tnyta g suka

  8. Itu waterproofnya beneran nggak? soalnya aq pernah pake eyeliner jenis ini merk oriflame. Bagus n aq suka, tapi sayang kena air wudhu aja atau kehujanan dikit uda luntur. yg ini gmn?

    1. Gak luntur sih cuma warnanya tipis banget .. perlu berulang-ulang buat bikin nyata warnanyaa
