
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nivea fruity shine in strawberry

Have you ever try nivea's lip balm before ? me ? i've already tried the blue one *lip care essential* which is i don't like it so much because it's rather than moisten my lip it's more like gives my lips a oil stick or something like that and my lips still dry, yeaah ... the blue one it's horrible for me ! but i find that the fruity shine series way way better .. so let's check out my review

The product :

Why it called shiny ? because this lip balm contain shimmer, have ever try shimmery lip balm before ?

Sorry .. the description is written on Bahasa Indonesia

the tube is just as same as other nivea lip balm, nothing special .. 

Tada !! it looks so licious right ? hahahaha .. can you see the shimmer on it ?

Swatches :

it's shimmery sheer red color but it's still buidable

my ugly bare lips, ROFL :D

1 swap on my bottom lips, can you see the different ? .. by the way i adore with the scent, so sweet strawberry's scent

1 swap on my upper and bottom lips

It's about 3 swaps, unfortunately my camera couldn't capture the real color, it washed out so much in this picture. The real color it's way way vibrant than this and i can say it "quite" similar with some color in revlon lip butter (???) not sure though ...

what i love :
  • It can use for lip balm or lipstick because it has really vibrant color if you put heavily
  • I can find it easily in local drugstore
  • Cheap *don't know the price though* but maybe $2-$4
  • Love the strawberry scent  
  • Cute subtle glitter 
  • Moisturizing my lips 

what i hate :
  • Nope

Definitely repurchase !! it's my current HG, what's yours ?

Thanks for reading guys, see you next time .. byeeee~


  1. thanks for sharing ^,^
    i think next time i'll try this one :D

    1. ur welcome :D, thanks for visited my blog ...

  2. udh pernah pake n abis 1,,emg bagus ,,melembabkan n wanginya yummy !

    1. iyaaa i love sweet scent too~ makes my mood up ..

  3. it looks good on you :)
    I love the color..maybe i will try this later :)
    Right now my favourite is still maybelline lip smooth, with strawberry flavour too ~~

    1. i never try that before, that's a tinted lip balm right ? .. i hope somebody can buy me that so i can try that out .. LOL :D

    2. yes :)
      hahaha hrgnya masih cukup afordable kok say.. kayaknya di kisaran 30an.. wkt kmrn aku beli malah ada promo cuman 18rb jatuhnya.. he5

    3. oh gitu yaa kapan2 cobain deh kalo lipbalm ada yg habis .. ni bibir cuma 1 tapi lip products segambreng :D

  4. Sejujurnya, say, aku gag suka Nivea Strawberry ini. Selain bikin kering bibirku, warnanya juga gag masuk di aku :D.
    Tapi akuh selalu suka postinganmu yang melibatkan bibir. Sekseh banjes gilahhh.. Bibir kamu bajusss. Di pakein lipen gimana aja juga bajus.

    1. wah masa ? .. aku mlah suka bgt loo jeeeng,hahaha mungkin cocok2an yaa km lipbalm favoritnya apa? .. *gdubraaaak* enggak cell itu bukan sekseh tapi dowerr :D

    2. Sekarang aku suka Sebamed buat under lipstick. Tapi karena dia SPF, jadi kalo mo bobo aku fave-nya Olive Oil atau Madu aja.
      Hahaa..sekseh itu Vick. Pake lipen apa-apa keliatan bagus. Kalau bibirku tuh garis pinggirannya miring2, trus cupid bow nggak simetris. Jadi suka aneh kalau di foto, keliatan mletot2. Hyahahaa...

    3. sebamed bagus yaa ? spf brapa ? .. kyaknya lipbalm emg kudu spf tinggi ya biar g item bibirnya, aku suka sebel klo lagi item bibirnya prasaan smuka berasa kucel. Enggak lah masa sih kliatan mletot2 kyaknya kamu lipstikan rapi2 aja deh :D

    4. Di aku bagus, say. Dia ngelembabin tapi nggak bikin lapisan gitu (bikin lapisan kaya vaselin petroleum atau lip butter TBS), jadi oke buat under lipstick. Harga 30rb, spf 30.

  5. hai, aku malah kebalikan sama kamu. benci bgt sama yg strawberry ini tp suka sama yg biru. krn yg merah ini bikin bibirku kering parah tp yg biru bikin bibirku lembab lagi. sempet abis 2 tube yg biru, yg merah ud kubuang apa ya :p hehehe. sekarang sih udh beralih ke burts bee. mantap. hehehehe.

    1. hahahaha .. emg semua produk itu ccok2an yaa, aku kalo yg biru terlalu lembek kayak ngolesin minyak ke bibir jadi g wearable buat daily karena kayak makan gorengan :D

  6. wah..aku nggak bisa pejet reply -___-.

    Iya sebamed bagus. Nggak benyek & minyakan kaya nivea biru, tapi lembab. Cocok buat under lipstick. SPF 30. Harganya kalau gag salah 30rebu.

    Ahh.. itu aslinya mletot2, nggak simetris bentuknya >'<

  7. Me like it too...
    HG tinted lipbalm aku, kalo males dandan pake ini aja bisa bikin seger apalagi bibirku lumayan pucet. Tapi kebetulan punya ku aga goyah gitu, jadi aku kasih adek ku aja. Pengen beli lagi..

    1. yeeeaaay ada temennya !! :D bener .. aku juga suka ini klo lagi ogah lipstickan, alhamdulillah nih aku dapet dari giveaway dan kondisinya sehat walafiat hahaha .. beli lagi aja chuu~

    2. Iya pengen beli lagi tapi kalo lagi pergi2 suka lupa mulu >.<

  8. wow sama >.< suka bgt sama nivea lip care yg fruty shine strawberry ini memang oke bgt ya.,,
    harganya juga affordable lagi.,,

    1. Iyaaa .. kita sehati yaa LOL wakakaka :D ini lip balm yang tiap hari aku pake ke kampus, bikin keliatan seger tanpa bikin menor

  9. kak, ini keliatan glossy banget ga ya?
    gyaaa blognya banyak review lipstik >A< [kekep dompet]

    main-main ke blog aku ya ^^

    1. Gak glossy banget kok .. hehehe iyaa emang suka koleksi lipstik :D oke ntar aku main-main

  10. dulu pas SMP pernah pake ini, suka banget dulu bisa bikin bibir merah gitu, eh tp pas udah sma malah ga cocok bikin kering :(

