
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oriflame Absolute Concealer For Eyes (Pink shade)

For the first time i will reviewing a product from Oriflame although it's not my first product that i got from this brand. Long long long time ago i've tried their mascara but unfortunately they weren't waterproof at all ! When i took wudhu it made my eyes look like panda's eyes .. melted like crazy ! and worst thing is my mascara is BLUE can you imagine that how embarrassed me =.=" ..

Although i have a bad experience with Oriflame's product i still curious with some their products so i decided to try their concealer.. my architect's eyes really need help *really bad dark circle* 

And here's this !

The packaging it's quite cute because it is really tiny, it about 9-10cm long and contained 10ml 

Ahh~ i really dunno how to read that word ! It made in Poland but i'm not really sure what language it is .. but that font kind reminds me of Russian font .. So i can't read the product's description and the ingredients 

It comes with slime and tiny tip so that it's hygienic and  economic :P

The liquid is pink and contains shimmer but not too much

The texture is similar with body lotion's texture you what i mean ? .. a bit watery and easy to blend

After some blending, as you can see it doesn't give any coverage at ALL .. the white cast on my hand is a blitz not the coverage .. I think it's compatible as you mix body lotion or moisturizer with shimmer powder  because it only give a slightly shimmery effect


P.S : my skin is recently break out because i'm in periode sorry for disturbing views

my bare skin : really bad dark circle and eye bag

put quite a lot concealer

after blending : it only give a reflect of shimmer .. if i don't use a blitz i can't tell any differences between before and after using this product

What i love :
  • Cheap $4-$5 
  • Tiny tip so it's hygienic
  • Cute packaging
  • Easy to blend
  • Contain shimmer
What i hate :
Repurchase : BIG NO !!!

I hope you enjoy it, happy weekend .. see yaaa !!


  1. aku dulu juga pernah punya ini mbak, tapi BLAS SAMA SEKAL GAK NGARUH, jadi percuma banget beli :(
    ada saran concealer yang bagus tur murah gak mbak? aku lagi nyari-nyari nih soalnya dark circle mataku ajegileee bener daaah :( gara-gara sering banget begadang :(
    matur nuwun :3

    1. iyeee .. 40an ribu mnding aku beliin lippen 2 biji yang murce2 .. :D hahaha rugi bandar dah, conce yang mursidah itu punya inez ada model jar ada yang stick, yg stick under 30k kalo yang jar 40an kalo g slah .. aku ada kok review yang stick kmu ubek2 aja blogku :D ..hahaha

  2. Produk2nya oriflame entah kenapa fail mulu di aku :D

    1. iyaaa mayoritas fail .. entah knapa yaa mungkin buat gaji member2nya kan 1,5 tahun aja gajinya uah bisa 4jutaan .. makanya produknya kualitasnya rendah bgt

  3. such a waste...
    sayang banget ih, cobain maybelline mineral conce deh, oke lho :)

    1. brapaan chu harganya ? bisa nutup dark circle g ? .. dark circle semacam kayak pak SBY ee .. parah abis :D wkwkwkwk

    2. Waktu aku beli sih antara 33-35an gitu, lupa yg pasti less than 40rebu lah. Tapi katanya udah naik sekarang jadi 60ribuan >.<
      Di aku sih oke banget buat nutup darik circle, tapi dark circle ku emang ga parah2 amat sih *tapi tetep mengganggu*. Buat nutup jerawat ama ngilangin redness nya juga oke banget lho, engga cakey juga, liat aja penampakan before-after nya di blog *pake fitur search aja kalo males ngubek2nya (^.^)*. Apalagi aku tuh rada males pake foundie/bbc jadi seringnya cuma pake ini+twc/loose powder udah beres. Still worth to buy lah biar harganya udah naik...

    3. wekkkss 60an ? mnding skalian beli concenya photoready hahaha .. so far sih aku masih suka concenya si inez soalnya coveragenya bagus.. sayang saking bagusnya diembat mamaku ==" dy pake kayak pondie gitu, kayaknya aku mo repurchase inez ajaa :D hahaha

    4. si photoready isinya dikit cuma 3 gram an, kecil gitu pas liat di konter. Baca di blog phanie juga reviewnya so so. Inez dirimu pake yg stik yah? Yang jar udah pernah pake/colek2 belum? Baca di fd kalo ga salah katanya yg stick hard to blend, kalo yang jar suka cakey *eh..apa kebalik yah?*. Aku malah lagi naksir nyx concealer in wand, entar mau nyobain ini dulu kalo mny abis, kalo ga sreg ya balik lagi ke mny. Pokoknya wajib coba si mny deh vic *maksa ngeracunin, lol*

    5. si merry yang pake jar .. dy blg oke2 aja, si stick mnurutku g hard to blend kok .. orang mamaku pake as a pondie juga aman2 aja :D hehehe

  4. thanks yaaaa
    tadinya mau beli ini, tp liat reviewnya ga jd deh hahahah.

    please check out my blog


  5. Great post hun. I just found your blog and I it's amazing.

    My Blog:

  6. Samaaa!! aku juga pernah beli ini! Dark circle aku lebih parah darimu vick... pas pake ini ga nutup samsek! padahal klo pake fondie caring biasa bisa nutup smp 40%nya... Aku kira krn emang matapandaku aja yg udah parah, ternyata emang ga worth to buy!!

    1. ini mah lotion berglitter doang #upss .. hahaha g cover samsek deh mnding inez concealing stick kmn2 :D
