
Friday, May 25, 2012

Caring Colours Stay True Foundation

Everybody annyeong~ ! Do you use a foundation in a daily basis ? Me, of course not .. I'm still a college student so i don't need a full make up every day. Sunblock, powder, eyeliner, and lip balm are always be my partner , i don't use bb cream either for daily. Just makes me wonder, i do have quite a lot make up but i'm so lazy to use them.. can i finish all of them before they expired ? *sigh* ..

Enough for rambling, i just want to review my "the one and only" foundation, kekeke~ and it called Caring Colours Stay True Foundation. I bought this foundation because i quite impressed with my Caring Colours UV White Microfine Loose Powder and i thought their foundation will impressed me as well as their loose power.

So here is my review ....

Caring Colours Stay True Foundation comes with glass packaging and pump applicator, i really like pump applicator because it's very hygienic and easy to control how much liquid that we want to take

click the image above to see the ingredients !

First time when i got this foundation i was like "where is the cap? Zzz =.=" it'll messy if i bring on travel" but i was totally wrong ! you CAN'T push the pump if you don't unlock it, to unlock the pump you have to rotate the pump to the right.

And lastly the packaging is quite tiny so it really travel friendly, kekeke~  my hand looks huge :D

Caring Colours Stay True Foundation has 4 shades
1. Soft vanilla is for fair yellow skin tone
2. Shell petal is for medium pink skin tone
3. Natural glow is for fair to medium yellow skin tone
4. Sand beige is for medium to dark yellow skin tone
I'am about NC30 and mine is natural glow

For the texture, i think it has quite thick texture but easy to blend

For the coverage, it has medium to full coverage

After blending for a couple time it blends very well into my skin tone, no pektay laa~


In this test i will put the foundation only on my forehead, sorry for inconvenient view (my blemishes and the redness)

I only put a little amount of foundation, it's about green bean's size

The result is ... it can cover the redness and blemishes very well  although i only put a tiny amount foundation

What i love :
  • Cheap, but i can't remember how much it cost
  • It has neutral shade, not too yellow
  • Pump applicator is hygienic
  • Cute packaging
  • Natural finish
  • No cakey
  • No oxydize
  • Good staying power
  • Good coverage
  • Good oil control, after 6 hours my face getting oily
  • Matte finish
What i hate :
  • None
Repurchase : Yes 

Thanks for visiting my blog, if there's any question you can always ask me in the comment section bellow :))


  1. hello, nice review :) I want to know about the oil control, how long until u have to blot? I never tried this foundation before
    thanx for sharing

    1. i'am such a never blotting person LOL, although my face is kind a oily type but i don't usually blot my face, i can say that it has quite good oil control .. after 6 six hours it gets oily on my face

  2. Kyaaa aku kmrin jg mw beli itu tp ragu2. Untung kamu review. Thank's a loooot.
    Klo ga slah liat ga ada tutup buat pump nya yak ? Apa bnar ???

    1. sama2 :D iyaaa emg gak ada tutup buat pumpnya tapi si pump ini bisa di kunci kok ..diputer kanan kiri gitu kalo mo buka tutup, kalo lagi dikunci pumpnya g bisa ditekan ..

  3. Ahhh..akuk kepingin ini tapi di rumah masih ada 3 botol BB cream, 2 liquid foundie, & 1 cream foundie. Belum sample2 BB cream argh... Piye ikih piyeee????

    1. wakakakaka .. sama maaak aku pas beli ini juga pas bb creamku masih 5 botol, tapi emang aku lagi gak punya fondie sih makanya aku beli *alesan ..belinya paling engga klo salah satunya habis aja :D

    2. hahahahha....samaaaaa....
      rasa nya 1 botol tuh nda mgkn di habisin..
      dah bosaaan duluan, pngen nyoba yg laen...XD

    3. lol emang deh kayaknya gak pernah puas buat nyobain fondie2, udah nemu ccok tetep aja selingkuh LOL :D

  4. sayang harganya gak ada >'< kisaran berapa mbaak? :D

    1. duh bner2 gak inget .. aku belinya di mini market dket rumah, seingetku murah deh 50ank tapi aku pernah liat di carefour harganya 70k kyaknya si carefour ini kmahalan bgt.. belinya pas diskon aja dil di mirota klo jumat 22% :D

  5. foundie ini coveragenya nampol bgt, suka :)

  6. hehhe, aku dah follow nih sist, makasih dah follow yah,

    di Giant Supermarket terakhir harnganya IDR 65
    terus aku mampir ke matahari stan kosmetik, coba tester ditangan kiri, ditangan kanan aku coba FOundation dari revlon IDR 110. masing2x aku kasih bedak tabur,
    (hahahhaa, sengaja nih mau tau hasilnya).

    Tangan aku tipe-nya kering, ternyata Caring pecah pecah ditangan aku, beda ama revlon yang menyerap sempurna sama rata deh, staying power-nya manteb untk Revlon.

    Maka-nya ga jadi beli yang caring, saat lihat review disini, ternyata Caring bagus juga yah :D. Pengen coba degh nanti.

  7. Wah mungkin ini emg cocok buat kulit oily yaaa .. kan namanya juga stay true jadi long lasting buat kalo di pake jadi kalo di kulit kering bakal crack ^^ ..wah aku juga penasaran sama revlon cuma ragu2 karena baca di forum blush, foundie, sama bedaknya kalo g cocok pada ngeflek mukanyaa ..

  8. Rifka, revlonnya yg seri mana say? colorstay ya? trus kamu pilih yg mana, for dry skin apa oily skin? daku galau mau pilih yg mana, akhirnya kmaren malah beli yg whipped creme, tapi tetep msh penasaran ama colorstay. *Note:kulit aku dry combo+dehidrasi, hiks.
