
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mirabella Chic Lipstick No. 06

Hello-hello~ Today i want to review the cheapest lipstick ever ! LOL, guess what the lipstick that i'll review is only $0,7 or IDR 6700, woohoo ! it's totally unbeatable ..hahaha

And cheapest lipstick that i own is from Mirabella, Mirabella is one of Martha Tilaar product and i believe all Indonesian people have known this brand already for such a long time, and my  mom is one of people that addict / love their matte lipstick. I have already review their matte lipstick, if you wanna see the review just click  HERE
And this is the cheapest lipstick that i said before, it called Mirabella Chic Lipstick and the shade is 06, unfortunately all shades color on the image above is way different in reality, just totally different.  Number 06 on the image is kind a plum rosy color but in reality it's actually nude tangerine color. Little bit useless laa~  we can't use those image as base before buy the product. 

But ok laa~ we can still go to counter and check the shade that we want.


The tube is quite tiny compare to other lipstick, and i think is cute >.< 
Love the lavender color too~

Just number and no name shade =.= .. 

Although this lipstick is kind a mini lipstick, but it contain quite a lot quantity. It's about 3,4 gram, ordinary lipstick usually contain about 3,8 gram-4,5 gram

As i said before the color is nude tangerine color or i can say is nude orangish color. First time when i applied this lipstick, the texture is kind a hard and i had to apply for couple time until i can get good pigmentation. But after i use this lipstick for a couple time i see that the texture lil a bit better, it's way more smooth and pigmented.

(Sorry for my chapped lips, i didn't realize that my lips is so dry till i saw these picture T.T)

Love it ! it's very enhance my complexion, rather than make my skin looks dull it's make my face fairer. 
Although i usually never complain about but i can say that i don't really like this lipstick's scent because it's kind a remind of expired product  whereas this lipstick expired on 2014, so weird ..

What i love :
  • Crazy cheap, it's only $0.67
  • Cute packaging
  • Pigmented
  • Doesn't make my lips dry so far
  • Nice shade
  • Easy to get
  • Cover lips very well
What i hate :
  • Expired product's scent
  • First time apply the texture kind a hard
Repurchase : Yes 

What's your cheapest lipstick girls ? just share with me 


  1. Replies
    1. hehehe iya mer ini warna emang cakep, kapan e update blog dirimu ? :D

  2. Wow it's so inexpensive! @_@ The color works well for you as a nudy beige type color ><

    My cheapest lipstick is from Wet 'n Wild and cost only $1.99 ^^

    1. unfortunately there's no wet n wild in Indonesia T.T

  3. warnanya bagus :D jadi pengen nyoba. tapi itu bikin bibir kering ngga?

  4. Warnanya bagus emang yg ini!! Sayangnya pas aku coba bikin bibirku kering, mak >'<

    1. ini awal2 aja keras teksturnya selanjutnya smooth2 aja gitu, lumayan deh murce ini LOL :D

  5. ooooh ternyata masih ada lipstick yang lebih murah daripada viva yah~
    mauuuuu mesti cek ini pas ke toko kosmetik nanti :D
    btw pajang make up collection mu dong viiiick~ pasti bejibun atau gak blush collection hahaha *minta diracunin*

    1. hahahaaa .. iyaa ini murahnya si kebangetan, make up collection ? duh mikir2, make upku g sbnyak kalian2 ini laah .. bru ngumpulin make up setaunan .. kapan2 deh ya klo ngerasa udah cukup banyak :D

  6. aku juga punyaaaaaa vick,
    tapi sekarang jarang dipake, ah, masih banyak yang perlu dihabiskan ><
    btw aku pake ini nggak ngeringin, tp nggak bisa rata.
    i choose fanbo deh ^^

    1. eh punya kok bisa rata ya warnanya, awal2 emg teksturnya keras gitu cuma keseringan dipake lama2 enak juga .. aku suka bgt sama warnanya, sama aja sih klo mnurutku ama fanbo :D .. iya book btw make upku jg segambreng mo ngabisinnya gmn bngung =="

  7. Coverage nya gmn ? Bibir aku item soalnya :(

    1. coveragenya lumayan bagus kok .. itu buktinya bibirku tertutupi dengan baik

  8. Hi vicky,
    kayanya warnanya baguss dehh
    kalo sama inez caramel bagus mana?
    dah pernah nyoba belum?
    lagi berpikir cari lipstick nude yang wearable buat sehari2 ^^

    eniwei, aku nge-tag dirimu
    ikutan maen yakkss ^^

    1. thanks tagnya kak poo~

      wah aku g punya caramel kak poo~ tapi pernah jajal punya temen wearable kok si caramel ini .. pengen beli juga cuma galau lippen di pouch udah banyak bgt

  9. Aku ifa..pernah beli juga yg no 6..udah senang banget dengan warnanya yg lucu tapi pas aku coba kenapa aromanya tdk enak dan rasa nya getir dibibir...apa memang seperti itu ya?padahal pingin banget beli lagi cuma takut seperti itu lagi wangi dan rasanya...hiihii,,,trims

    1. hallo ifa~ :D

      iya bener lipstik ini baunya agak g enak, klo mnurutku baunya mirip lipstik yang udah expired gitu .. padahal expired datenya masih lama, emang pahit lipstiknya ? aku g pernah merhatiin klo itu

  10. oh benar ternyata aromanya spt itu aku fikir sudah exp..makasih ya sharingnya :D oh ya vicky juga pakai vitacid?

    1. Iyaa emang baunya rada2 gitu hehe .. aku gak pake vitacid jeuung, dulu cuma sekalii pake doang aja trus gak pernah lagi

  11. Q juga punya mbak dikasih sm ibu (hehe) cz katanya nggak enak baunya...q kira sama juga dng warna lain nya cz q suka yng no 7 n 8...trnyta pas dipake warnanya bikin muka pucet bgt n rada2 pahit...jadi nggak bisa kalo dipake sendirian...

    1. Iyaa tapi yang no 6 tetep yang paling cakep yaa .. 7 ama 8 aku juga ada :D cakeeep juga
