Yeayy ! i'm kind a excited to review this product because in my opinion i just found my perfect matte reddish color lipstick :D *big smile* ..
And this it ! it called Mirabella color fix lipstick no. 67
The box is kind a errr .. boring =.=" looked so cheap
click the picture above if you wanna see the ingredients !
It has a slim tube, quite sleek and shiny purple color, i love the packaging~
Unfortunately it only has number for each shade it would be great if there's a name of each shade
I can't do well to describing colors but i think it is a reddish brown color
Yes is a matte lipstick but i found that it doesn't clumpy and hard to blend like other matte lipstick, i can easily apply this lipstick with perfect result. And also this lipstick has a great pigmentation .. i only did in one stroke and my lips covered really well
Me with Mirabella color fix lipstick no. 67 !
What do you think ?
I really love this shade because makes my skin tone fairer and also doesn't make my face look old (in my opinion)
What i love :
- Cheap, it only about $3,6
- Red color that enhance yellow skin tone
- Easy to blend
- Nice packaging, the packaging is kind a luxury
- No clumpy
- Great pigmentation, one stroke and voilla !
- Can get easily at local super market etc
- Great staying power, they claimed it's kiss proof LOL :D
What i hate :
- None
Repurchase : Yes yes .. i already have a wishlist for another shades :))
Just wanna say that i'll have a KKN for a month start from 8th July until 9th August so i can't reply your reply as as i usually do but i'll still post some reviews on that time, because i did some post already for that time and i set automatically post so you may see some review although i do my KKN
Hope you have a great time on this long weekend, have a nice holiday .. bye~
Bagus makk. Merahnya nggak serem. Sukakkk... Bibirnya kereennn.
ReplyDeleteiyaaa maak merahnya cakep .. baru kali ini nemu warna merah yang cocok di muka eke ...
Deleteoiyaaa mak itu aku blush onnya pake amber peach .. baru plang langsung templok :D soalnya di konternya aku g nyoba tester pnasran sndri sampe rumah ..
DeleteGag keliatan blasonnya, mak >'<
DeleteOrange-orange gituh ya? Atau kesoklatan?
ihh..aku jadi pengen belih lipsticknya yg warna ini..
emang pakenya tipis2 :D kesoklatan gitu tapi di aku g bikin dekil .. beli gih maak ! cakep loo warnanyaa yang ini merah tapi gak bikin tua, lagi ngincer yg no 72 sama 42 .. 42 tapi yg colorfix cool
Deletecakeeep...matte nya bagus banget...<3
ReplyDeletejadi pengen nyobaaa...XD
mirabela counter nya dimana? mirota ada gak yaa?
btw akhir nya vicky menampilkan 'muka'nya...mulus pisaaan gyaah~
iyaaa bagus meerr ini mattenya kalo dipake mulus gitu engga clumpy2 .. coba aja di mirota ada ini juga beli di sana hehe .. engga muka eke engga muyus :D
Deletewaw cakep, mattenya keren :D
ReplyDeleteiyaa sis aini ini mattenya bagus engga gumpal2 :)
DeleteAku juga punya warna yg mirip... warna2 merah begitu emang cocok buat kulit koneng kayak kita2 ini... hehe... ^^
ReplyDeletebener bgt kayaknya kalo masalah lippen kita kompakan yee miz .. aku skrg suka lippen merah cuma brani pake tipis2 di tap tap pake tissue :D
Deleteaiiih ak mu bellliiiiiiiii... kebetulan gi nyari2 lipstick yg pigmented... tahan lama githu... btw klo ma revlon super lustrous baggus mana ya mba??
ReplyDeletehaloo maaf blesnya lama T.T baru kelar kkn soalnya .. beda tekstur say kalo compare same super lustrousnya revlon .. ini kan matte klo revlon agak satine finish dan super lustrous tuh drying bgt ampe bibir pecah2 pdhl warnanya cantek2
Deleteholaaa.... aq udah beli mbak... aduh makkk emang coverage nya bagus n pigmented jg... tp super duper matte yak... n aq beli yang no.50.. soalnya no.67 ga ada huhu hasilnya merah semerah2nya...hahaa
ReplyDeleteWah asik ada yang keracunan aku hahaha, iya emg ini matte tapi mattenya g bikin kering .. yang no 50 bagus gak ?
Deleteiya nihhh...berhasil dh ngeracunin aquuu....!!! wkwkwk (^.^)b
Deletemmm....klo warna merah merahnya g abikin silau2 amat..*halah tp aq akalin pake lipgloss dulu trus d timpuk sekali poles nih lipstick hasilnya okeee gitu gonjreng...hehee emang ya ga bikin dry di bibir....
tp aq tetep penasaran ama yg 67.... :( sptnya lbh bagus deeh...
Direview dong di blogmu .. kali aja gantian aku yang keracunan, hehehe :D
ReplyDeletebtw, aqu pendatang baru sist di beauty blog..jd masih kosong mlompong.... hhoho ok nti aq ripiu deh buat kmu yg berhasil meracuni akkuuuh..!! :D
Welcome to blogging world ^^ .. ayo semangat ngeblog, seru loo ngeblog jadi punya banyak temen :D
Deletetanya dong vicky, ini kalo dipake sink into lines gak ya? soalnya bibir super kering. terus ini finishingnya bener-bener dead matte ya? soalnya matte lipstick wardah menurut gue masih kurang oke soalnya rada creamy. buat makan minum gitu masih oke juga staying powernya? thankieees :)
ReplyDeleteYa ampun komenmu kok gak masuk email yaa ... T.T aku jadi gak tau kalo ada komen, maaaaf ... ini gak sink to fine line kok, kalo wardah menurut yang aku yang long lasting teksturnya mirip2 sama ini, aku kan pecinta matte lipstick karna bikin keliatan sexy bibirnya huahahahahaaa .. staying powernya ini oke kok !
DeleteTernyataaa, stlh ªƙƲ beli wardah matte, lbh cintaaa deh ♥ warnanya cakepp bgt yah... :)
ReplyDeletebeli wardah matte yang apa ?? :D
DeleteNo 16 summer pink.. Tρ koq kadang keliatan nude pink, kdg pink gelap hahaa sy bingung (―˛―“) pgn nyoba yάηĝ loglasting faboulus peach, pink sorbet, or matte bronze nude... Bagus mana ya sist? Kulit ªƙƲ sawo matang... :)
DeleteKalo sawo matang mending faboulus peach sih menurutku .. kalo pink sorbet atau bronze nude bakal kelihatan pucet kayaknya .. ya tergantung selera aja sih :D
Deletehai vicky, bagus ya warnanya di bibir kamu. mau nanya nih, menurut kamu kalo yang warna pink coklat dan pink peach gitu nomer berapa ya? aku punya yg no.71, tapi menurut aku dia warnanya pink keunguan gitu. trus bisa rekomendasiin ga lipstick matte yg warnanya mirip mirip caring colours summer pink, dan sariayu reog 03? makasih.
ReplyDeleteHalloo ini sapa ya ? hahaha .. :D kurang tau nomer berapa mending langsung ceki-ceki konter aja, mirabella sih jarang punya warna yang kalem kalem macem peach pink dll kalo ada pun pasti rada gonjreng .. caring summer pink sama reog 03 aku gak punya jadi gak bsa suggest .. coba kamu cek atau kali aja ada yang mirip ,,
Deleteaku udah pernah baca post kamu yg koleksi lipstick wardah part 1 itu, dan aku beli yg long lasting no.1, emang sih ga mirip warnanya sama yg aku cari, tapi aku suka. makasih yaaa..
DeleteOkee sama-sama makasih juga udah mau mampir ^^
ReplyDeleteulasannya bagus banget mbak ... makasih ya