
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rivera Lip Liner Matic in Delicate Purple 03

Hi you guys ! how's your day ? i hope it was GREAT :D 
Today i wanna share with you about my first lip liner .. but unfortunately  got a wrong shade =.=", but ok lah~ i still want to review it to you, so here it is !!

This product called Rivera Lip Liner Matic in Delicate Purple 03
and yes it is matic so don't need any sharpener :D, the packaging is very tiny and slim so that this product really a travel friendly

Texture of the lip liner is similar with ordinary lipstick but little bit harder

Although the shade's name is delicate purple but i can't see any hint of purple, i only see dark red color

Bloody hell =.=" .. on my lip it looks so scary i really hate red color on my lips because makes my face look older but the good thing this lip liner has a good pigmentation .. as you can see it can cover my lips very well

What i love :
  • No need a sharpener 
  • Pigmented
  • Easy to glide on
  • Slim packaging
What i hate :
  • None just wrong shade =.="
Repurchase : YES !! but another color .. they have 5 shades for their lip liner

Thanks for reading see you next time, bye-bye~


  1. hai vicky,
    teksturnya creamy atau keras??? hihi
    btw, ternyata kamu beneran pencinta rivera :P

    1. teksturnya pas engga keras engga lembek, iyaa nih soalnya BAnya rivera kayaknya punya pelet kena rayuannya mulu .. haha padahal sih baru 2 kali main k konternya cuma sekali beli brapa items .. :D

  2. duhh, teracuni rivera lagi.LOL

    staying powernya gimana? :D

    1. bagus kok staying powernya .. pake remover bru ilang :D

    2. 25 ribu apa yaaa .. lupa, tapi kisaran segitu :)

  3. Ahhh...napsir bibir kamuh makkk
    Cakep banget, dikasih lipen apa aja cucok.
    *oke ini salah fokus*

    1. makasih maaak <3 tapi bneran bibirku biasa aja :D hahahaha ..

  4. bagus ya swatchnya, merahnya juga ga norak, kesannya kalem ^^ bagus di bibir mba
