
Friday, August 17, 2012

I'm Back and I Won a Giveaway from Heartsmade

Happy Independence Day Indonesia !!

Halloo~ everybody it's been such a LONG time i didn't "touch" my blog, by the way sorry for didn't replies all comments that i received ... i was so busy with my KKN aka Community Development Participation T.T but i promise i'll reply it as soon as i can :D 

By the way ... recently i received a package from Heartsmade because i won her giveaway *Yeaay !* and i wanna share with the prizes that i got. Let's check it out !

Please don't envy me because i got a lot of stuffs hahaha .. :p
* prize lists are taken from Heartsmade's blog*

- Oriflame swedish spa minerals, overnight hand treatment. 
- Viva hand & nail cream
- Viva acne gel triple action
- Oriflame peel off whitener
- e.l.f waterproof eyeliner pen, black
- Oriflame pure colour, coral rose
- L'oreal total repair hair mask
- L'oreal smooth intense hair mask
- Stamping kit
- Unbranded nail buffer
- Snow fox nail sticker
- Sophie's teen foldable tiger bag
- Various items

Thanks for Heartsmade, i really enjoy the package :D and by the way please check out her cute blog especially if you are a nail art addict ! she has a lot of review and tutorial of nail stuffs !

Thank you for passing by, see you later .. bye !!


  1. Selamaaaaaatt... ^^ kangen sama vicky, bikin postingan lipstick lagi dong vick... ^^

    1. hahaha .. aku juga kangen bgt nih sama dunia blogging, kamu jga kan habis hiatus lama trus muncul lagi jgn hiatus lagi dong perlu bgt nih pengetahuan skincare dari kamu :)) .. lipstick ? itu tuh baru posting baru hehe .. sante aku kan bencong lippen jdi racun lippen always ada haha *ketawa setan :D

    2. Hahahaa... seriusan vick, lipstick yg direview kamu warnanya selalu cocok sama aku... diem2 aku beli juga yg sama kaya kamu.. LOLOL

      yah habis lebaran malah libur lagi ng-blognya... pengennya nge-blog tuh kayak aktifitas tetap, tapi masih jadi prioritas bawah jadinya ng-post ato blogwalking klo ada waktu kosong aja maklum emak2 masih sekolah, sok sibuk jadinya...

    3. Oyaa? mungkin karna skintone kita mirip jadi yang aku cocok kamu pasti cocok yaaa, asyik2 .. kamu g kliatan kalo uda punya baby masih kliatan abg aja sihh ..haha

  2. congrats dear,yukk ah ada beberapa yang bisa d review tuh hohoo

    1. iyaaa say masih banyak nih yang belum di review ...
