Hello beauties ! How's your weekend, i hope it's great :)) .. Today i want to review my everyday BB cream, this BB cream is from Skinfood and this is my first time using korean BB cream, I ever tried another BB creams before such as all variants of Caring Colours BB cream and also Maybelline BB cream that you can check the review HERE. And compare to other BB creams that i tried before i guess Skinfood Red Bean BB cream is my favorite one. If you are interested to know why this BB cream is my favorite BB cream so far you should check my review below.
Let's start !
Product's description :
Skinfood Red Bean BB Cream SPF 20 PA+
A hydrating BB cream with red beans that nourishes and moisturizes rough skin while providing natural yet flawless coverage even when applied in a thin layer
To use : After your daily skin care regiment, apply an even layer on to the face in upward and outward motion.
Netto : 45 ml
Made in Korea
I got it for $12 or IDR 122.000 exclude shipping cost, for 45 ml BB cream i think it's very affordable. By the way i bought this at HouseOf Younique, recommend this seller because she responded me very fast, her products are cheaper to other online shop and last but not least i got some free samples :D. But the bad thing is she sent me wrong shade :(( (although the wrong shade is still wearable for my skin tone)
This is my free samples, unfortunately i don't know what are these stuff ..#ngeeek
Firstly i really love the color ! it's deep maroon red, the cap is made from shiny plastic thingy kinda look like a metal which is make this BB cream looks luxury, not to big so it's very travel friendly. But cons is the sticker label on the bottle is get dirty easily and easy to ripped off
Woah the scent is so heavenly sweet reminds me of "es kacang merah" #yaiyalaah .. although it's kinda strong.. but it evaporates after putting the BB cream on to my face. So if you have a sensitive you don't have to worry.
It came with 2 shades light biege and natural beige
My prediction light beige is suit for <N27/N30 and natural beige is for >N30
Mine is light beige and it it has neutral undertone, it slightly lighter that my skin tone first time i put on my face but after a couple seconds it blends to my skin tone very well. It doesn't have any grey undertone so that it doesn't make your face looks greyish or anything.
It has very light texture, really easy to blend and absorb to my skin quickly. Another good thing is this BB cream doesn't cakey although i just using my finger tip when i applied it.
PS : i only put on my cheek and it only in green bean size
I can say this BB cream has sheer to medium coverage but still buildable , if you have a blemishes skin to hide on i don't think this BB cream works on you. This BB cream only even out the skin tone and also cover the redness.
Compare to other BB creams that i tried before so far Skinfood Red Bean BB Cream is the best for oil control. It has matte finish and after a couple hours it gives me a dewy finish. I also don't recommend this BB cream for dry skin type because your flaky skins will show up more.
OK staying power. It still stay all day even i take wudhu for a couple times
*after 4-5 hours*
Say hello to my big lips ! :D
Products that i use :
1. Hadalabo ultimate moisturizing light lotion
3. Skinfood red bean BB cream SPF 20 PA+ #1 Light Beige
4. Inez compact powder in beige glow
5. Inez Blush On in Gold Dipped Brick 08
7. Pixy liquid liner
8. Sariayu eyebrow pencil in hitam legam
What i love :
- Good oil control
- Good staying power
- Heavenly sweet scent
- Pretty packaging
- Affordable
- Easy to blend
- Light texture
- Never break me out
What i hate :
- I have to pre-order at online shop
- Sheer coverage
I recommend to :
- Oily skin type
- Anyone with perfect skin or no blemishes problem
- Anyone who need sun protection with minimum coverage
- Anyone who love sweet scent
I don't recommend to :
- Dry skin type
- Anyone with blemishes problem who need full coverage
- Anyone who hate sweet scent / strong scent
Repurchase : Yes but i want the natural beige one
What's your favorite BB cream so far beauties ? please share with me ..

aku juga suka BB creamnya TSF :)
ReplyDeleteaku suka yang mushroom mbak.. wah kmren aku beli kok kaceknya banyak ya sama punyaku jd 160rban..
Wah bagus yah yang mushroom ? suka bingung knapa yang mushroom masih mahal padahal dy dah launching lebih lama daripada si aloe, nah aloe skrang harganya cuma 100-110 .. kamu 160 beli dimana ? kyaknya itu kemahalan
DeleteKykny yg light beige masuk nih sm kulitku, tp PO dulu y jeng klo mo lebi murah?
P.S: sample yg kiri kykny semacam primer ato make up base gt de
Iyaa kayaknya kamu masuk deh si light beige .. kalo aku masih penasaran sama yang natural beige soalnya pas PO aku pesen yang natural beige cuma pas nyampe rumah udah buka botol kok light banget warnanya liat botolnya ternyata light beige .. iyaa murce PO tapi emang kudu sabar :D
DeleteIyaa yaa ? kukira collagen buat serum gitu ..hahaha
ahhh, mbak Sekar mah putih banget kulitnya jadi masuk2 aja :P
Deletebig lips is beautiful kok mbak, aku jg pengen punya big lips soalnya bibirku terlalu imuuuut.. ><
Hahaha nasib kita orang gak putih yaa dil .. kalo mau pake produk korea terutama yang make up base kudu mikir takut pektay :D, big lips is boros lipstick #ngeekk .. tapi enaknya g perlu lip plumper :D
DeleteIt looks great on you and love how it controls oul since i have oily skin. Great review.
Check out my blog will ya and follow each other? Thx!!!
Thank you so much~ we already following each other by the way :))
DeleteOK thank you~ i'll check :D
ReplyDeleteAaaahhh.. kacang meraaahhh.. mauuu..
bedanya apa sih sama yang aloe n mushroom? aku dulu pernah nyoba yang aloe, tapi ga terlalu ngefek dan susah di blend. ini gitu juga ga ya?
eniwei, I can't believe I haven't follow you dear ^^
Iya mbak baunya enak banget .. suka aku cium-ciumin tuh kalo habis oles2 :D
Deletewah sayangnya aku juga belum coba si aloe ama mushroom mbak jadi gak bisa compare.. cuma kalo liat swatchesnya si red bean warnanya paling light jadi kudu ati2 pektay ..
jeng, ajarin gimana caranya bikin efek kek yg difoto terakhir, soalnya aku gaptek nih ga ngerti, lol. Thanks ya :)
ReplyDeleteSoftware editing foto yang ada di lappy/kompi kamu apa mut ? ..beberapa software ada tool yang namanya pixel ..blablabla buat ngeblur atau mixel foto
DeleteThanks for the review. Sekarang aku sedang pakai holika holika baby bloom light bb cream. my skin's oily too, jadi mau coba red bean bb cream after my holika holika's finished