Horaay-horrraaaay i already passed my examination week !!
<----and this is how i feel right now .. hahahahaaaa . I really wanna have a vacation somewhere to release all stresses that i had in this semester .. *this semester is really hard but i've to fight till the end, LOL*

By the way do you ever seen this ads before on tv ?
of course you DID ! in this ads we can see that that pretty girl protected by water all over body after she using a sunblock .. and the sunblock's product at that ads is SKIN AQUA
Skin Aqua is basically a Japan no. 1 UV skincare *they claimed* that already in Indonesia like about last year and but i've just tried this brand this year .. because i thought it was expensive but i totally wrong because this stuff is really affordable. I really love affordable products :P
Skin Aqua's sunblock came with some variety type of sunblock and each of them have a different purpose so you choose which one is perfect for you. Mine is Skin Aqua UV Whitening Milk SPF 20 PA++
image source : Skin Aqua's facebook fan page
When we purchase this product, it sealed with a plastic box which i think really cool and looks really different from other sunblock that usual only came with "naked" bottle, this plastic box quite solid~
This sunblock we can use for our face and body, i always use it in the morning after taking a bath .. on my face, my hand and also my feet. Sometimes i bring it in my bag in case if my hand feels really dry
This is product perfume and color free so if you have a sensitive skin i really sure you can use it too~
If you wanna see the ingredients you can click the picture above to enlarge
Skin Aqua UV Whitening Milk SPF 20 PA++ claimed that it can make your skin look brighter and i admit this product really works on me. After i using this product for a couple times i feel that my face looks a bit brighter *yeaay!*
Another plus side for this product is it can protect our skin from UV A and UV B
This sunblock is watery texture and doesn't sticky at all
This sunblock really easy to blend and also easy to absorb, doesn't make your make up cakey if you put on make up after using it
What i love :
- Quite cheap $5 for 40g
- Not sticky
- Easy to blend
- Easy to absorb
- You can use it all over body
- Doesn't make me break out
- Works for bright my skin
What i hate :
- None
Repurchase : YES !!
So far it is my HG sunblock, what yours ?
Thanks for reading see you next time, bye-bye~
nice review, kak! X) semoga hasil ujiannya memuaskan yah :D
ReplyDeletebanyak banget yang review SA ini dan katanya gak mengecewakan. jadi pengen ikutan nyoba >o<
Amiiinnn .. makasih yaaa :D, iyaaa mnurutku ini produk worth to try, harganya murah dan hasilnya bagus .. ayo dicoba-dicoba :D
Deleteaku juga pakai sayy, really high reccomend
ReplyDeletemungkin karna waterbase juga, jadinya ringan di muka
i love this product <3
come and see my blog,
Haloo~ iyaa high recommend dee.. makasih udah mampir yaaa :D
DeleteWah ujiannya udah selesai
ReplyDeleteberarti besok dateng donkkk
Masa nggak dateng sih, Vick?
Ada aku lhooo *siapa elu, Rum?* :D
wakakakakaaa .. iyaaa celle lagi bisa bernapas bentar, aku pergi boook td sama enyak babe sharian LOL, bpakku lagi di rumah soalnyaa..
Deletewaaah ini serius doesn't sticky at all? punyaku yg spf 30 agak lengket gtu loh endingnya,maksudnya ya gak bs sampe mate gtu,kecuali klo ditemplokin bedak deh
ReplyDeletebtw I follow you back,n salam kenal ^_^
iyaaa watery tekstur gitu .. di aku sih engga lengket .. makasih udah follback yaaa :))
Deletehalo kak salam kenal. Aku karina.
ReplyDeleteMau tanya, apa ini produk udah dijual bebas atau harus beli di olshop?
haloo karina~ ini dijual bebas kok say ..
Deleteharganya berapa kak?
Deletediatas kan ada tlisannya .. sekitar 49k :D