Hi everyone ! this time i want to review another local/Indonesian brand, i believe you already know this brand such a long time ago, because Sariayu is one of oldest make up brand in Indonesia, i still remember when i was in playgroup my mom bought sariayu's lipstick that has duo colors in 1 stick, half part is red shade and another part is gold color .. anyone still remember that lipstick ?
From the picture above you can see that this product claims that it's a multifunction product that you can use as highlighter (white), for shading (brown), as a blush (pink) and as a compact powder (beige), and last but not least as a finishing powder (blend all colors). Sounds promising right ? .. but everyone knows sometimes advertisement is too exaggerate, so if you wanna this products worth it as their claims or not check my review below ..
Product's Description
Shimmering Powder Sariayu
Pressed powder with alloys four color plus shimmer effect to the result of fresh natural make up. Containing Vitamin E as antioxidant and UV protection that serves to protect the skin from adverse environmental effects and UV rays. Enriched with mineral Amethyst.
Direction for use : Apply evenly on face and neck with the brush for best result, use after applying moisturizer.
Produced by PT. Martina Berto
Netto : 12,5 g (0,44 oz)
I got this product about $ 3,8 or IDR 38.000 after discounted, yes i know it's SUPER cheap !
This product also comes with a plastic pouch and free cute brush, the quality of the free brush is quite good laa~ it isn't too fluffy but not rough either, i can it's just ok ..
Who can't resist this cute packaging ? anyone ? .. first time time when i bought this product i just fell in love with the packaging and also the cute flower pattern on it, aaahh~ just lovely :D hahaha .. by the way the packaging is made by plastic and quite small so for me it's quite travel friendly
1. White
2. Brown
3. Pink
4. Beige
And all of those are shimmery !!
Each color has different texture, some of them are little bit chalky but some other are buttery but all of them really easy to blend
1. White : Quite Buttery
2. Brown : Buttery and powdery
3. Pink : Chalky
4. Beige : So so
As you can see at that swatches this shimmering powder has good pigmentation but after you blending the color out it transform into sheer satin finish so you can't distinguish the color, and so that when they claims it can use as a blush, shading, and bla bla bla it's just a LIE :D it's just works as highlighter and finishing powder for me
The shimmer is not a chunk shimmer, it's more satin finish .. but i prefer using my hand rather than using the brush to highlight some part of my face, because i found that my pores look more gigantic when i apply with brush =.=" .. i don't know why
It doesn't long lasting on my oily skin, 4 hours it's just gone
What i love :
- Drooling packaging
- Free pouch
- Free brush
- Super affordable
- Easy to blend
What i hate :
- It isn't multifuction as they claimed
- Not long lasting
Repurchase : No
Hope this review useful :)), see you next time !

Hello Vickyyy..
ReplyDeleteI've just tag you in "this and that" tag game! Check it out! Can't wait to read yours!:D
thanks darl .. :))
Deleteuntung aja aku belom order baked blush nya elf.. lupaaa kalo ada si sariayu shimmering yang mau kucobain :D
ReplyDeleteHahaha .. untung yaa belum :D lumayan kok ini walaupun iklannya menipu alias lebay .. tapi buat finishing or highlighter still worth laaa~
Deletejadi produknya gk begitu worth it ya mbak? Harusnya sih disendiri-sendiriin ya. Highlight sendiri, bronzing powder sendiri, blush juga sendiri. Kalo ini kan nyampur. Lagi pengen punya bronzer yang oke tapi murah ni mbak.
It's still worth to try kok cuma iklannya lebay menurutku bisa buat blush on blablabla .. karna dy gak opaque yaa dia sheer gitu jadi menurutku cuma bisa kepake buat highlite, shading masih bisa yaa cuma aku gak demen shading shimmer :D